Finally, some clarification.
We have been advised the activity of scuba diving falls within the right to exercise locally outdoors during this current period.
Other restrictions apply, including no more than 2 people not from the same household, keeping a minimum physical distance of 1.5m, and no congregating after diving.

Please bear in mind, the ability to keep diving has been granted to us but can just as easily be taken away. Staying local is a major aspect of the restrictions. The local dive spots we all know and love are where we ought to be diving.
In Summary:
Please stay local, stay safe, be mindful of others and keep diving with level heads.
If we all do the right thing, we will get through this together and be fortunate enough to continue to dive throughout. Most stores are open for air fills and gear rental. ring them if you are unsure of opening times.
Please contact DIAA on [email protected] if you need any further advice and we will do what we can to assist.
Stay local. Stay safe. Dive on.
Dive Industry Association of Australia